
This tuto is writen in TypeScript.


The server uses Express. It serves 2 things:

  • index.html of client folder (client.js is import by HTML, so it's served, too)
  • all the needed files from Three

Server used common.js to run JavaScript code, so in tsconfig.js, we need to specify it.

"compilerOptions": {
    // ... other settings
    "module": "commonjs",
    "esModuleInterop": true


We write codes in client.ts, then this file is tranlated into client.js and imported by index.html.

If we need to import file into client.ts, we must config the paths.

"compilerOptions": {
    // ... other settings
    "baseUrl": ".",
    "paths": {
        "/build/three.module.js": ["../../node_modules/three/src/Three"],
        "/jsm/*": ["../../node_modules/three/examples/jsm/*"],

npm run dev

To run the project, we need to run 3 commands:

  • tsc -p ./src/client -w : watch and compile client-side codes
  • tsc -p ./src/server -w : watch and compile server-side codes
  • nodemon ./dist/server/server.js: run dev server

    nodemon command is more powerful then nodebecause it can automatically restart the node application when file changes in the directory are detected.

To run these 3 commands in one, we use concurrently.

Add command in package.json

    // other configs
    "scripts": {
        "dev" : "concurrently -k \"tsc -p ./src/client -w\" \"tsc -p ./src/server -w\" \"nodemon ./dist/server/server.js\""

-k: kill other processes if one exits or dies