
Specular Map

It's a texture image that affects:

  • surface highlight

  • environment map of the MeshPhongMaterial, looks like a frosted glass

The MeshLambertMaterial, MeshPhongMaterial and the MeshToonMaterial, the meshes require light, have the SpecularMap option.

In practice:

  1. In Specular map, white part is full specular and black is not specular.

  2. THREE.TextureLoader loads the specular map. mesh.specularMap uses it.

  3. The texture (specular map) will be shown in the light by the reflection.

Roughness Map and Metalness Map

The roughnessMap and metalnessMap are the specularMap equivalents for the MeshStandardMaterial and the MeshPhysicalMaterial.

Bump Map

An image texture to create a bump map.

The Bump map doesn't actually affect the geometry of the object, only the lighting. It helps improve the view of 3D (make 2D image bump up).

Displacement Map

An image that can be used to alter the geometry of a mesh.

The value of each pixel is used to change the position of the vertices of the mesh.

Material Repeat and Center

Where material textures sit on a geometry can be changed by changing their UV co-ordinates.

We can use texture.repeat to select (zoom in or zoom out) a part of the object, to move the focus.

Texture Mipmaps

Three.js creates different sizes of texture,and renders them on the object depending how far away it is from the camera.

texture.magFilter is for close view, when the pixel being textured maps to an area less than or equal to one texture element (texel).

texture.minFilter is for far view, when the pixel being textured maps to an area greater than one texture element (texel).

Custom Mipmaps

texture.mipmaps is an array of function. We can create custom function, and apply on it.

Anistropic Filtering

Anisotropic Filtering allows us to improve the quality of the Mipmaps.