
Scene, Renderer, Camera

  • Scene:

    Scene allows you to set up what is to be rendered by three.js.

    We can have multiple scenes. When you have a scene, you can then add objects and lighting.

  • Renderer:

    The Renderer displays the scene onto a HTML Canvas Element.

    By default it uses WebGL. So, the coordinate is:

    • x: left to right (朝右)
    • y: bottom to top (朝上)
    • z: back to front (朝外)
  • Camera

    There are many types of Cameras in Threejs.

    The Perspective projection is designed to mimic the way the human eye sees. It is a very common projection mode.

    The Orthographic projection is like a cube in itself where the perspective remains constant regardless of it's distance from the camera.


  • stats: It can monitor the performance (fps, MS, MB). link

  • Dat GUI: A lightweight graphical user interface for changing variables. link