
Object 3D

The most common things you will do with an Object3D:

  • Rotation: number

  • Position: number

  • Scale: number

  • Visibility: boolean

const cube: THREE.Mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);

// cube.rotation
// cube.position
// cube.scale
// cube.visible

Three.js applies Transformation matrix on original object. That means original geometry of the object is NOT changed.

If we want to create a new geometry of the object:

const newGeometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry();
cube.geometry.dispose(); // clear the old geometry in the memory
cube.geometry = newGeometry;

As you can see, 3D object has 2 parts: Geometry and Material.


It defines the shape of object, like Box, Cylinder, Text, etc.

Three.js always, first, create a Buffer Geometry, which improves the performance.


There are some props for material

  • transparent: boolean

  • opacity: number, it works when transparent === true

  • depthTest: boolean, whether ignore the distance between camera and object. Default is true (not ignored).

  • depthWrite: boolean, When drawing 2D overlays it can be useful to disable the depth writing in order to layer several things together without creating z-index artifacts.

  • visible: boolean

  • side: 1 | 2 | 3, set Front side, Back side or Double side visible

When the material needs to be update, set the flag needsUpdate to true. It tells WebGL re-render the object.