Django Unit Test

Django Unit Test extends unittest of Python. The common use case is as followed.

# <parent>/tests/

from django.test.testcases import TestCase

class MyClassTestCase(TestCase):
    def test_my_func(self):
        # do something to test the codes
        self.assertEqual(test_result, expected_result)

To run the test,

docker-compose run django_app python run test

If there are special settings for unit test, we can add settings flag, --settings=core.settings.unittest.

To see the code coverage, we need to install the package coverage, and run the command

docker-compose run django_app coverage run test
docker-compose run django_app coverage report -i -m --skip-covered

I like skipping covered lines and errors.


Making Mocks in Django is simple. We can use decorators on the functions.

  • @override_settings can override the Django settings in the or settings/<env>.py.

  • @patch is used to mock the function in the class. To make the unit tests easy, we should create classes.

    The order of @patch and the order of parameters are important.

# <parent>/tests/

from unittest.mock import patch
from django.test.testcases import TestCase

class MyClassTestCase(TestCase):

    def test_my_func(self, first_func, second_func):
        first_func.return_value = {}
        second_func = None
        # do something to test the codes
        self.assertEqual(test_result, expected_result)