Values, Variables, and Types


val x: Int = 42
  • val means immutable.

    It's like const or final in other language.

  • Int is optional, but it's recommended.

    The compiler can infer that the type of variable is Int.


var aVariable: Int = 4
aVariable = 5
  • var defines variable.

    We can assign a new value to it.

    Changing Variables is side effects in functional programming.

In functional programming, we prefer Values over Variable because Values are immutable, and they won't cause side effects.


  • Boolean

    It only has 2 values, true or false.

  • Char, String

    Char is the single character. It's written between the single quotes.

    val aChar: Char = 'c'
  • Int, Short, Long

    They all represent the number.

    Short presents 2 btyes, 16 bits, 2<sup>16</sup>.

    Int presents 4 btyes, 32 bits, 2<sup>32</sup>.

    Long presents 8 btyes, 64 bits, 2<sup>64</sup>.

  • Double

    It represents float number.

  • Unit

    It's void in other languages.

    Side effect is an expression that returns Unit.