
An option is a wrapper for a value that might be present or not.

sealed abstract class Option[+A]

// The class Some wraps a concrete value
case class Some[+A](x: A) extends Option[+A]

// The class None is a singleton for absent value
case object None extends Option[Nothing]

For example

val myOption: Option[Int] = Some(1)
val noOption: Option[Int] = None

Unsafe API

Option is very useful for unsafe APIs. It does the Null check for us.

If we work with unsafe APIs:

def unsafeMethod(): String = null
val result = Option(unsafeMethod()) // Some or None

Option makes sure we receive either Some or None. What's more, we can define a default value with the chained method, orElse.

def backupMethod(): String = "default"
val result = Option(unsafeMethod()).orElse(backupMethod())

If we design unsafe APIs, we always return Option.

def unsafeMethod(): Option[String] = None
def def backupMethod(): Option[String] = Some("default")

So that, we can better use them:

val result = unsafeMethod() orElse backupMethod()

Functions on Option

val numOption: Option[Int] = Some(1)
  • isEmpty

    println(numOption.isEmpty) // false
  • map

    println(numOption.map(num => num * 2)) // Some(2)
  • flatMap

    println(numOption.flatMap(num => Option(num * 10))) // Some(10)
  • filter

    println(numOption.filter(num => num > 10)) // None
  • get: It gets the value of Option. Avoid using it.


Create a connection if host and port are given.

val config: Map[String, String] = Map(
  "host" -> "",
  "port" -> "8080"

class Connection {
  def connect() = "Connected"
object Connection {
  val random = new Random(System.nanoTime())

  def apply(host: String, port: String) = {
    if (random.nextBoolean()) Some(new Connection)
    else None

Normal call

val host = config.get("host")
val port = config.get("port")
val connection: Option[Connection] = {
  if (!host.isEmpty && !port.isEmpty)
    Connection(host.get, port.get)
  else None

val status = connection.map(conn => conn.connect())

Chained call

val status = config
    host => config
      .flatMap(port =>
        Connection(host, port)))
  .map(conn => conn.connect())


For Comprehensions call

val status = for {
  host <- config.get("host")
  port <- config.get("port")
  conn <- Connection(host, port)
} yield conn.connect()
