
Scala doesn't have the "class-level" functionality (the attributes or methods with static keyword). Instead, It uses a special class with object keyword.

object Person {
  val N_EYES = 2


Attention: object class doesn't receive parameters.


object creates the singleton.

val mary = Person
val paul = Person
println(mary == paul) // true


object Person {
  // "class-level" functionality
  val N_EYES = 2
class Person {
  // "instance-level" functionality

We defines "class-level" functionality in object and "instance-level" functionality in class.

The factory method in design patterns is widely used in Scala.

object Person {
  // factory method
  apply(mother: Person, father: Person): Person = new Person(mother.name + father.name)
class Person(val name: String)

val mother = new Person("Mary")
val father = new Person("Jack")
val kid = Person(mother, father)

Scala Application

The scala application is a object class with def main(args: Array[String]). This function serves as an entry point for JVM to run the codes inside it.

object Demo {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
     // your codes

We can also simply inherit App.

object Demo extends App {
  // your codes