
Generic class

A class (or trait) can have multiple generic types.

object can't have generic types.

class MyNode[T]

Generic method

object MyList {
  def first[T]: MyNode[T] = ???

val firstNode = MyList.first[Int]

Variance Problem

class Animal
class Cat extends Animal
class Dog extends Animal


class CovariantList[+T]

val catList: CovariantList[Animal] = new CovariantList[Cat]

The generic type in the class' declaration can be the super type of the class' instance.


class InvariantList[T]

val animalList: InvariantList[Animal] = new InvariantList[Animal]

The generic type in the class' declaration must be exact type of the class' instance.


class ContravariantList[-T]

val trainerList: ContravariantList[Cat] = new ContravariantList[Animal]

The generic type in the class' declaration can be the sub type of the class' instance.

The trainers of Animal are those of Cat, too.

Bounded Type

There are 2 types of bounds:

  • Super bound <:

    class Cage[T <: Animal](animal: T)
    val cage = new Cage(new Animal)

    It means the type T should be Animal or its sub-types, such as Cat and Dog.

  • Lower bound >:

    class CatTraining[T >: Cat](animal: T)
    val catTraining = new CatTraining(new Animal)

    It means the type T should be Cat or its super-types, like Animal.

Bounded Type help solve the variance problem.

The problem is if we have a class class MyList[+T], then:

val myList: MyList[Animal] = new MyList[Cat]
myList.add(new Dog) // Does it work?

The answer is yes. Because myList is a list of Animal even if we initialize it as a list of Cat.

To implment add method, we need to use bounded type.

class MyList[+T] {
  // def add[T](element: T): MyList[T] = ???
  // Error. Because Nothing is sub-type of all the types.
  // The solution is as followed.
  def add[SupT >: T](element: SupT): MyList[SupT] = ???