
Demo: enum-demo

Enum is a data type with multiple possible variants.

enum Command {
    DrawLine(f64, f64), // enum can hold other data structure.
    DrawShape(Shape),   // enum can hold custom struct, too.

Match operation

Match operation is very useful in Rust. It's similar to switch in other languages.

let my_shape = Shape::Rectangle(3.0, 4.0);

match my_shape {
    Shape::Circle(radius) => println!("Circle with radius {}", radius),
    Shape::Rectangle(width, height) => {
        println!("Rectangle with width {} and height {}", width, height)

_ is the default placehold if none of the conditions is matched.

let my_number: u8 = 1;
let res = match my_number {
    1 => "one",
    2 => "two",
    _ => "unknown",

Enums method

We can implement enum method in the same way for struct.

impl Shape {
    fn area(&self) -> f64 {
        match *self {
            Shape::Circle(r) => 3.14 * (r * r),
            Shape::Rectangle(x, y) => x * y,

Option<T> enum

Option<T> enum makes sure null-safety. It wraps the value that might be present or not.

It's included in prelude so we don't need to import it explictly.

enum Option<T> {
    Some(T), // might have value
    None   // None value

It's so useful that some data type implements it directly. For example, an array:

let nums = [1, 2, 3];
let my_num = nums[5]; // Error: index out of bounds
let my_num = nums.get(5); // OK. get() returns an Option enum. Here is None.

We can use match to get the value in the Option.

let res = match my_num {
    Some(n) => n,
    None => &0,

If we only care about a specific option,

match my_num {
    Some(1) => println!("One"),
    _ => (), // Do nothing

we can use the syntax sugar: if let:

if let Some(1) = my_num {