
The component is the core of React. It composes the React App.


  1. Component is a pure function. Only the props and the states can change it.

Pure function: The function always returns the same result when it receives the same input. And it doesn't cause any side effect.

  1. Component doesn't interest in the detail. When it changes, it rebuilds itself instead of updating a part of it.

  2. Component'data is one-way-binding

    • Input: pass data as props into the component
    • Output: pass the function into the component, and bind it on an event, such as onClick, onChange, etc.


  1. make small and simple component

    If the component is too big, split it

  2. DRY(don't repeat yourself)

    reuse the component as much as possible do not store useless state

  3. use stateless component as much as possible. use props to pass in data Stateless component is easier to write and maintain. state increases the complexity of the component.

Controlled component vs Uncontrolled component

A controlled component is only controlled by the state.

<input value={this.state.val} onChange={handleInputChange}>

Either value or onChange is missing, the input value won't be changed. Because the state is not changed. So that the component won't be rebuilt.

It's the recommanded way to deal with input, select or textarea.

Uncontrolled component is not controlled by the state. It's the tradition way to code, using DOM API. It loses the track of state.

life cycle

  1. Mounting

    1. constructor()

    initialize state

    1. getDerivedStateFromProps()

    initialize state from props

    1. render()

    2. componentDidMount()

  2. Updating

    1. getDerivedStateFromProps()

    2. shouldComponentUpdate()

    3. render()

    4. getSnapshotBeforeUpdate()

    5. render()

    6. componentDidUpdate()

  3. Unmounting

    1. componentWillUnmout()

Virtual DOM

React doesn't update DOM tree directly. It creates virtual DOM. When an update comes, it will differ 2 virtual DOM tree and update part of the tree. The time complexity of diff is O(n).

diff function uses BFS. It reads the tree level by level.

  • If the nodes' position is changed, React switches the nodes.

  • If the node's attributes are changed, React removes it and creates a new one.

  • If the node changes the level, React won't deal with it. React only remove a node or add a node.

React makes some supposes.

  • DOM is relatively stable. It's rare that a node changes the level.

  • The sibling nodes have an unique id, key. So that, React can know their position and switches them.