

class Student:
    def __init__(self, name): = name

__init__ is constructor in Python class. There are other special methods in Python:

  • __str__ / __repr__:

    • __str__: string seen by user
    • __repr__: string seen by developer
    class Student:
        def __init__(self, name):
 = name
        def __str__(self):
            return 'Student object (name=%s)' %
        __repr__ = __str__ # common trick for display
    s = Student('Michael')
    print(s) # Student object (name=Michael)
  • __iter__ / __next__: The instance is iterable.

    • __getitem__: use for search / slice, for example students[0], students[1:3]
  • __slots__: limits of dynamic binding

    class Student:
        __slots__ = ('name', 'age')
    s = Student() = 'Michael'
    s.age = 25
    s.score = 99 # AttributeError: 'Student' object has no attribute 'score'
  • __getattr__: when an inexistent attr is called, this function is triggered.

    class Chain:
        def __init__(self, path=''):
            self._path = path
        def __getattr__(self, path):
            return Chain('%s/%s' % (self._path, path))
        def __str__(self):
            return self._path
        __repr__ = __str__
    Chain().status.user # /status/user
  • __call__: make instance callable

    class Student:
        def __init__(self, name):
   = name
        def __call__(self):
            print('My name is %s.' %
    s = Student('Michael')
    s() # My name is Michael.

private attribute

class Student:
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.__name = name
    def get_name(self):
        return self.__name
    def set_name(self, name):
        self.__name = name

__name is a private attr.

@property makes life easier.

class Student:

    def birth(self):
        return self._birth

    def birth(self, value):
        self._birth = value

    def age(self):
        return 2015 - self._birth

We can get / set birth, but age is read only.


class Animal:
    def __init__(self):
        print('init animal')

    def run(self):
        raise Exception('run not implemented.')

class Dog(Animal):
    def __init__(self):
        print('init dog')

    def run(self):
        print('dog runs')

dog = Dog()
isinstance(dog, Animal) # True
isinstance(dog, Dog) # True

This is a trick to force Dog override run function of Animal, use raise Exception.

We can also use @abstractmethod to decorate run, which makes Animal an abstract class. But abstract class has 2 limits:

  • It can't be instanced
  • All the abstract method must be override by the child class.


Python allows inherits multiple class. Some classes provides services. We call them MixIn.

class Animal:

class RunnableMixIn:
    def run(self):

class Dog(Animal, RunnableMixIn):

Dog is an animal, dog can run, but dog isn't a runnable. So we let dog inherit Animal and RunnableMixIn

Class attribut vs Instance attribut

class Student:
    IDENTITY = "student"

    def __init__(self, id): = id;

print(Student.IDENTITY) # student

jack = Student(1);
print(; # 1

DO NOT use the same name for class attr and instance attr.

class method vs static method

class method does the tasks which can't be done by __init__.

The first params is cls.

class Document: 
    WELCOME_STR = 'Welcome! The context for this book is {}.' 
    def __init__(self, title, author, context): 
        self.title = title = author 
        self.__context = context
    def create_empty_book(cls, title, author): 
        return cls(title=title, author=author, context='nothing')

In this example, the class method builds an empty context document.

static method is the method of class, not instance.

It hasn't self or cls.

class Document:
    WELCOME_STR = 'Welcome! {}'

    def get_welcome(context):
        return Document.WELCOME_STR.format(context)

print(Document.get_welcome('indeed nothing'))