Transaction Isolation

In gerneral, executing a sql query is a transaction.

Speaking of the transaction, ACID (Atomicit, Consistenc, Isolation, Durability) must come to our mind. This article will talk about Isolation.

There are 4 levels of isolation in the transaction.

  1. read uncommitted: The change caused by the current transaction can be seen by other transactions before the current transaction is committed.

  2. read committed: The change caused by the current transaction can be seen by other transactions after the current transaction is committed.

  3. repeatable read: In a transaction, the queried data must always be the same.

  4. serializable: When a transaction is reading or writing, all the other transaction is locked.

From level 1 to 4, the isolation becomes better and better. However, the efficiency turns worse and worse.


How do we implement the isolation ? We use the rollback log.

When we update the data, we will record all the rollbacks for different levels of isolation.

That's the reason that we should NOT write long transactions. Because these transactions need visit a lot of data in the database. That creates huge amounts of rollbacks.

Rollbacks is deleted when it's not needed, by MySql.