
Index makes the searching becomes faster.

There are some types of data structure used in the database engine.

  • hash map: Memcached or some NoSQL

  • order array: fast to search, but difficult to insert/remove

  • Binary Search Tree

InnoDB Index

InnoDB uses B+ Tree as the index.

Primary key vs Key

If we use primary key to find an item in the database, we only need traverse the database once.

However, if we use the key other than the primary key, we need traverse to find the primary key first, the use the primary key to find the item.

That's the reason why we prefer using the primary key.

Avoid re-traversing by the primary key

In the exemple, we use the table as followed

create table T (
    ID int primary key,
    k int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, 
    s varchar(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
    index k(k)
) engine=InnoDB;
  1. only select id

    Instead of

    SELECT * from T WHERE between 3 and 5

    We only select the primary key. It can avoid re-traversing because the primary keys are in the B+ Tree of the keys.

    SELECT ID from T WHERE between 3 and 5

    Because of this feature, we can create union key to deal with high-frequence search.

    For exemple, we want get person name and its email, we can create a union key (name, email). One traversing can find both of them.

  2. Leftest-Prefix-rule

    Since we've used uinon key. Whether there is a priority in it ?

    The answer is Yes. The leftest item in the uinon key is the first one used in the search.

    Even if you use only the leftest item in the uinon key in the query, this union key can be used to improve the performance. For exemple, if we search by a, we can use the index (a, b).

    However, you want to search by (a, b) and b. Since b is not the leftest, you need to create another index.

  3. index condition pushdown

    For exemple, we have a table having a union key, (name, age). Here is the query

    select * from tuser where name like 'A%' and age=10 and ismale=1;

    Because of the leftest prefix rule, we can only use index name. If we need to re-traverse with the primary key for the rest ?

    The answer is no. Index condition pushdown will check the age before re-traversing because age is in the key.

    The same goes for:

     CREATE TABLE `geek` (
         `a` int(11) NOT NULL,
         `b` int(11) NOT NULL,
         `c` int(11) NOT NULL,
         `d` int(11) NOT NULL,
         PRIMARY KEY (`a`,`b`),
         KEY `c` (`c`),
         KEY `ca` (`c`,`a`), -- not needed
         KEY `cb` (`c`,`b`)
     ) ENGINE=InnoDB;

    ca is not needed. Because using the key c implies first using the index c, then using the primary key a, b. The ca is included in the cab thanks for Index condition pushdown.