Basic Structure

MySql contains 2 layers.

  • Server Layer
  • Storage Engine Layer

Multi storage engines can share one server layer.

Server Layer

Most of core function is in the server layer, including connectors, analyzers, optimizers, executors, etc.


Connector makes the connection between user and database.

mysql -h$ip -P$port -u$user -p

The connection is complicate. It's better to establish long connection. However, long connection costs the memory. MySql will reset the connection after a big operation is executed. It helps release the memory. (MySql > 5.7)


After the connection establised, MySql starts to execute the query.

Firstly, it analyzes the query. It finds the keywords, such as, SELECT, IN, WHERE, etc.

Then it parses the query. If it fails, MySql will return an syntax error.


Since MySql understands the query, it will execute it. But before that, it optimize the query first. It will decide choose which index to use. Sometime, Different choices of indexes have huge influence in the performance.

mysql> select * from t1 join t2 using(ID) where t1.c=10 and t2.d=20;


One last step before running the query is the role check. Role check can be place before the executor or before the optimizer.

If the check is failed, it will return command denied.

mysql> select * from T where ID=10;

Finally, MySql executes the query. It will use the interfaces given by the storage engine.

The search is started at the first line of a table. If the line matches the query, this line will be saved in the result set. Then, MySql scans the next line. In the end, MySql returns the entire result set.

Storage Engine ayer

Storage Engine is responsible for saving and getting data. The default engine is InnoDB. There are other engine, such as memory.