Status Code

  • 1××: Indicating an intermediate state of protocol processing
  • 2××:Success
  • 3××:Redirection
  • 4××:Request error
  • 5××:Server error


  • 200 OK

  • 204 No Content: The response has no body.

  • 206 Partial Content: The response has partial body.

    Usually, it has Content-Range. For exemple, Content-Range: bytes 0-99/2000. It means get first 100 bytes of 2000 bytes.


  • 301 Moved Permanently:

    The source no longer exists. we need to switch to a new URL.

  • 302 Found:

    The source exists, but we need to use another URL to visit it.

Both 301 and 302 have Location that indicts the redirect URL.

  • 304 Not Modified

    It's not of redirection. It's for caching.


  • 400 Bad Request:

    It's the general request error.

  • 403 Forbidden:

    The client has no right to visit.

  • 404 Not Found:

    The source requested is not found in the server.

  • 405 Method Not Allowed: i.e. POST isn't allowed.

  • 406 Not Acceptable: The source doesn't meet request.

  • 408 Request Timeout


  • 500 Internal Server Error:

    It's general server error, similar to 400.

  • 501 Not Implemented:

    The service is beening developed.

  • 502 Bad Gateway:

    The error code returned by the gateway or proxy.

  • 503 Service Unavailable:

    The service is busy, unavailable for now. It has Retry-after.