
  1. The client sends a request to the server without cookie.
  2. The server reponses with the cookie by setting Set-cookie header.
  3. The client requests with the cookie by setting the Cookie header.


Cookie attributes

  • Expires, Max-Age

    They set the expired time. Expires is a timestamp, Max-Age is an interval. Max-Age has the higher priority.

  • Domain, Path

    They must match those in the request.

  • HttpOnly

    Only Http can read the cookie. DOM API, like document.cookie can't visit it.

  • SameSite

    • SameSite=Strict: Cookies cannot be sent across sites along with the redirect link.

    • SameSite=Lax: GET/ HEAD is allowed, POST NOT.

  • Secure

    The cookie is only used in HTTPS.