
short-lived connections

At the early stage, Http uses short-lived connections.

It's not efficient because TCP connection costs a lot of time.

To make a http connection, we need to make 3-ways handshake to etablish the connection, and 4-ways handshake to disconnect it.

persistent connections


In http/1.1, persistent connection is set by default.

Connection: keep-alive

However, persistent connections cost the resource of the server. There are several ways to close connection.

  • add Connection: close at the request header to tell the server close the connection

  • set Nignx config:

    • keepalive_timeout: max keepalive time of a persistent connection
    • keepalive_requests: max number of requests of a persistent connection

Head-of-line blocking

Since the request-response is in a queue, if the head takes a lot time to process, then the rest is blocked.

There are some ways to solve it.

  • concurrent connections

    We makes multiple connections between a client and the server. Usually, the number is 6 - 8.

  • domain sharding

    We create multiple domain names of a server.