
Say C[T] is a parameterized type, and A and B are the types that A <: B. There are 3 possible relateships of C[A] and C[B].

  • C[A] <: C[B]: C is covariant.
  • C[A] >: C[B]: C is contravariant.
  • No relationship: C is nonvariant.

In Scala, we can declare these relationships by:

  • class C[+A]: C is covariant.
  • class C[-A]: C is contravariant.
  • class C[A]: C is nonvariant.

Typing rules for Function

If A2 <: A1 and B1 <: B2, then

A1 => B1 <: A2 => B2

For example,

trait Fruit
class Apple extends Fruit
class Orange extends Fruit

type FtoO = Fruit => Orange
type AtoF = Apple => Fruit

We can find out that FtoO <: AtoF.

So the functions are contravariant in parameters, and covariant in returns.

trait Function1[-T, +U] {
  def apply(x: T): U

For example, the following function won't pass the type check because the parameters are covariant.

trait List[+T] {
  def prepend(elem: T): List[T] = ::(elem, this)

apples.prepend(Orange) // It's not reasonable to add an orange to apples.

To fix it, we need another type so that T is lower bound.

trait List[+T] {
  def prepend[U >: T](elem: U): List[U] = ::(elem, this)

apples.prepend(Orange) // Apples list becomes fruit list.

The need for a lower bound was essentially to decouple the parameter of the class and the parameter of the newly created object.

Using an extension method sidesteps the problem and leads to the same result.

extension [T](x: T) {
  def :: (xs: List[T]): List[T] = ::(x, xs)

The compiler will also instantiate the type T to be a supertype of the type of the element that we prepend and the type of the tail that we pass here.