
Moving data from one node to another is called shuffling.

Shuffling causes the latency. Therefore, it's a huge hit on the performance.

Shuffling can be caused by, for example, groupbyKey.


As we can see, sending data across the network causes the latency. So, we need to send as less data as possible.

reduceByKey function is designed for that. This function will, first, reduce on the same node, then shuffle.


val cost = purchases
  .map(p => (, p.price))
  .map(p => (p._1, (p._2.size, p._2.sum)))

// Command took 15.48s
val cost = purchases
  .map(p => (, (1, p.price)))
  .reduceByKey((a, b) => (a._1 + b._1, a._2 + b._2))

// Command took 4.65s

reduceByKey is almost 4 times faster.