
A monad M is a parametric type M[T] with 2 operations:

  • flatMap
  • unit

that have to satisfy some laws.

extension [T, U](m: M[T])
  def flatMap(f: T => M[U]): M[U]

def unit[T](x: T): M[U]

Examples of Monads

  • List: unit(x) = List(x)
  • Set: unit(x) = Set(x)
  • Option: unit(x) = Some(x)

Monad Laws

  • Associativity

    m.flatMap(f).flatMap(g) == m.flatMap(f(_).flatMap(g))
  • Left unit

    unit(x).flatMap(f) == f(x)
  • Right unit

    m.flatMap(unit) == m

Significance of the laws for For-comprehension

  1. Associativity says that one can "inline" nested.

      y <- for x <- m; y <- f(x) yield y
      z <- g(y)
    yield z
    // equivalent to
    for x <- m; y <- f(x); z <- g(y)
    yield z
  2. Right unit says

    for x <- m yield x
    // equivalent to