
  • Type: List[T]

  • Construction:

    val fruit = List("apple", "banana", "orange")
    val nums = 1 :: 2 :: Nil
  • Decomposition

    val apple = fruit.head
    • The most useful functions: nums.head, nums.tail, nums.isEmpty
    • nums.length
    • nums.last, nums.init: the opposite of nums.head, nums.tail
    • nums.take(n): get first n nodes
    • nums.drop(n): get the rest after drop the first n nodes.
    • nums(i): get the i<sup>th</sup> node. It equals to nums.apply(i)
  • Creating a new list

    • xs ::: ys or xs ++ ys: concat 2 lists, and return a new one
    • xs.reverse: return a reversed xs
    • xs.update(i, x): update the i<sup>th</sup> node by x, and return a new one
  • Finding a node

    • xs.indexOf(x): return the index of x in xs. -1 if not found.
    • xs.contains(x): Same as xs.indexOf(x) >= 0