Lazy list

We want to avoid computing the elements of a sequence until they are needed for the evaluation result. Here, "needed" means the head or tail of the list is called.

Therefore, the lazy list is created.

Defining a lazy list

  • LazyList.empty: Similar to Nil in the list
  • LazyList.cons or #::: Similar to :: in the list
val xs = LazyList.cons(1, LazyList.cons(2, LazyList.empty))

We can also use LazyList as a factory.

val xs = LazyList(1, 2)

We can use to function to translate a list to a lazy list.

val xs = (0 until 1000).to(LazyList)

Example: TailLazyList

trait TailLazyList[+A] extends Seq[A]:
  def isEmpty: Boolean
  def head: A
  def tail: TailLazyList[A]

object TailLazyList:
  def cons[T](hd: T, tl :=> TailLazyList[T]) = 
    new TailLazyList[T]:
      def isEmpty = false
      def head = hd
      def tail = tl
      override def toString = "TailLazyList(" + hd + ", ?)"
  def empty = new TailLazyList[Nothing]:
    def isEmpty = true
    def head = throw NoSuchElementException("Empty list has no head")
    def tail = throw NoSuchElementException("Empty list has no tail")
    override def toString = "TailLazyList()"