Recap: Functions and Pattern Matching

Case class

Representation of JSON

abstract class JSON
object JSON {
  case class Seq(elems: List[JSON]) extends JSON
  case class Obj(props: Map[String, JSON]) extends JSON
  case class Num(num: Double) extends JSON
  case class Str(str: String) extends JSON
  case class Bool(b: Boolean) extends JSON
  case object Null extends JSON

The previous object can be written in enum.

enum JSON {
  case Seq(elems: List[JSON])
  case Obj(props: Map[String, JSON])
  case Num(num: Double)
  case Str(str: String)
  case Bool(b: Boolean)
  case Null

Pattern matching

The string representation of JSON data.

def show(json: JSON): String = json match {
  case JSON.Seq(elems) => {"[", ",", "]")
  case JSON.Obj(props) => {, v) => s"\"${k}\": ${show(v)}")
      .mkString("{", ",", "}")
  case JSON.Num(num) => num.mkString
  case JSON.Str(str) => s"\"${str}\""
  case JSON.Bool(b) => b.toString
  case JSON.Null => "null"


      /    |   |
     Seq  Set Map

All the collections shares some common functions.

The core functions are:

  • map

    extension [T](xs: List[T])
      def map(U)(f: T => U): List[U] = xs match {
        case Nil => Nil
        case head :: tails => f(head) :: map(tails)
  • flatMap

    extension [T](xs: List[T])
      def flatMap(U)(f: T => List[U]): List[U] = xs match {
        case Nil => Nil
        case head :: tails => f(head) ++ flatMap(tails)

    xs.flatmap(f) =

  • filter

and the reduce functions:

  • foldLeft
  • foldRight


It simplifies the combinations of core method, map, flatMap, filter.

Instead of:

(1 until n)
  .flatMap(i => (1 until i)
    .filter(j => isPrime(i + j))
    .map(j => (i, j)))

We can write:

for {
  i <- 1 until n
  j <- 1 until i
  if isPrime(i + j)
} yield (i, j)

What's more, we can apply pattern matching in for-comprehension.

def props(x: JSON): List[(String, JSON)] = x match {
  case JSON.Obj(props) => props.toList
  case _ => Nil

// get all french phone numbers in the json.
for {
  // If the prop name is "phoneNumber" and its value is a JSON.Seq, get it
  case ("phoneNumber", JSON.Seq(numberInfos)) <- props(json) 
  numberInfo <- numberInfos
  // If the prop name is "number" and its value is a JSON.Number, get it
  case ("number", JSON.Number(number)) <- props(numberInfo)
  if number.startWith("33")
} yield number