Functional reactive programming

  • Reactive programming:

    Reacting to sequences of events that happen in time.

  • Functional view:

    Aggregating an event sequence into a signal.

    Signal is a value that changes over time.

    Therefore, we can create a new signal based on existing one instead of changing a mutable state.

Basic signal operations

  • obtain the value of the signal at the current time.

    mouseMove() // It returns the current position of the mouse.
  • create a signal based on other signals.

    For example, we want to create a signal that indicates if the mouse is in the rectangle defined by LL and UR.

    def isInRectangle(LL: Position, UR: Position): Signal[Boolean] =
      Signal {
        val pos = mouseMove() // get mouse's current position
        LL <= pos && pos <= UR

    To use it:

    val s = isInRectangle(L, R)
    s() // the current value
    s() // It may return a different value than the previous one.

Constant signal

val s3 = Signal(3) // It's a signal than always returns 3.

Signal variable

val x = Signal.Var[Int](0) // It's a signal than always returns 0.

x() = 3 // The signal is updated. Now, it always returns 3.