
Dataframe is the RDD with schema. It stores structured data.


def select(col: String, cols: String*): Dataframe
// select a part of the dataframe and return it as a new one
def agg(expr: Column, expr: Column*): Dataframe
// aggregate columns and return a new dataframe
def groupBy(col: String, cols: String*): Dataframe
// group the dataframe on columns
// It's intended to be used before agg.
def join(df: Dataframe): Dataframe
// inner join with another dataframe


There are 3 ways to work with columns.

  • $ notation

    import spark.implicits._
    df.filter($"age" > 17)
  • dataframe referring

    df.filter(df("age") > 17)
  • sql string (not recommanded)

    df.filter("age > 17")

Basic query

val sydneyPeopleDF = peopleDF
  .select("id", "name")
  .where($"city" == "Sydney") // where and filter are the same.
val sydneyAdultsDF = peopleDF
  .select("id", "name")
  .filter(($"city" == "Sydney") && ($"age" > 17))

Grouping and Aggregating

val mostExpensiveDF = itemsDF
val ranksDF = postsDF
  .groupBy($"authorId", $"topicId")
  .agg(count($"authorId")) // return new dataframe whose columns are authorId, topicId, count(authorId)
  .orderBy($"topicId", $"count(authorId)".desc) // order by, first, topicId, then count(authorId) in desc.

Clean data

drop the data

  • drop()

    drop the row if it has any null or NaN.

  • drop("all")

    drop the row if all its items are null or NaN.

  • drop(Array("id"))

    drop the row if its id is null or NaN.

replace the data

  • fill(0)

    replace all null or NaN by 0

  • fill(Map("balance" -> 0))

    replace null or NaN of balance by 0

  • replace(Array("id"), Map("1" -> "001"))

    replace 1 in the column id by 001