ETL stands for: Extraction, Transformation, and Loading.


The data source can be:

  • paper
  • web
  • audio/video
  • finanical reports
  • transactions
  • social media
  • weather
  • IoT
  • ...

There are some use cases

  • Integrating disparated structured data sources via APIs

  • Capaturing events via APIs

  • Monitoring with edge computing


Transformation includes

  • Data Typing: (e.g. typing a record of CSV into a UserData)
  • Data structuring (e.g. json file to DB table)
  • Anonymizing, encrypting
  • Cleaning
  • Normalizing
  • Filtering, sorting, aggregating
  • Joining data source

Schema-on-read vs Schema-on-write

Schema-on-read predefines schema while schema-on-write doesn't.


The following aspects should be considered while designing loading.

Full vs Increamental

Full loading loads an initial history into a database.

Increamental loading inserts data.

Scheduled vs On-demand

Batch vs Streaming

In between, we have micro-batch loading.

Push vs Pull

Parallel vs Serial