Data Modeling

Data modeling must take the following aspects into the consideration.

  • Functional needs
  • Performance needs


Field modeling

We need to think about:

  1. Type of the field
  2. If it needs to be searched or tokenized
  3. If it needs to be aggregated or sorted
  4. If it needs the extra storage

(More mapping parameters are presented here.)

Type: Text vs Keyword


  • It can be searched, and be tokenized
  • It won't be aggregated unless we set fielddata to true


  • It's won't be tokenized, it's useful for ID (email, phone number, etc)

  • It's used for Filtering, Sorting, and Aggregation.

By default, the context will be set as text and have a sub type as keyword

Needs for searching

  • If there is no needs for searching, sorting, and aggregation, set enabled to false.

  • If no needs for search, set index to false

  • If no needs for aggregation or sorting, set doc_values and fielddata to false

Extra storage

We can set store to true.

But, it's used when _source's enabled: false.

Attention: if _source's enable: false, we can't reindex or update

Since the _source's enabled: false, we can't get the content by using _search API. We need to add stored_fields in the request. (store: true)