
Basic commands

create a container

docker container run (docker run)


docker container run --publish 8080:80 nginx

  1. Find Nignx Image in the local / Download from the Docker Hub

  2. start a container from the image

  3. open Port 8080 on the host IP, and route the traffic to the container IP Port 80

--detech run the container in the backgroud

see the containers

docker container ls (docker ps)

list the running containers

run an existed container

docker container start <container_id> (docker start)

stop a container

docker container stop <container_id> (docker stop)

check the logs

docker container logs

list the running process of a container

docker container top <container_name >

remove a container

docker container rm <container_id>

check the config of the container

docker container inspect <container_id>


docker container stats


docker container --help

Enter container

  • start a new container and enter it:

    docker container run -it <container> bash

    If we exit it, container stops

  • enter a running container:

    docker container exec -it <container> bash

    If we exit it, container still runs

One more useful tag: --rm. It causes Docker to automatically remove the container when it exits.