
init project

  1. install anaconda

  2. install django: conda install django

  3. install django plugin in PyCharm

    preferences -> Project -> Python Interpreter

    use anaconda to create a project env, and install django plugin

  4. create project: django-admin startproject myProject, then cd myProject

  5. create database (par defalut: sqllite): python ./ migrate

  6. create superuser: python ./ createsuperuser

  7. run dev server: python ./ runserver

create App and Model

  1. create App in Project: python ./ startapp myApp

    A django project can have multiple Apps. All the Apps need to be registered in of the project.

         # other APPS
  2. create Model

    Model is a class. It is used to create the table in database.

    Optional: In order to see the model in admin page, we need to register it into of App.

    # myApp/
    from myApp.models import myModel
  3. make migration: python makemigrations

  4. migrate: python migrate