
OOP is a programming style based on the class or object.

It has 4 main features, Encapsulation, Abstraction, Inheritance, Polymorphism.


By exposing the limited access, the class authorizes the outside to access internal data ONLY through the function provided by the class.

In the practice, we set all the attributes of a class private, and we create get or set functions to access or modify them.

The advantage is that

  • The attributes won't be accidentally changed.

  • It makes the class easy to use since there are less access.


Encapsulation mainly talks about how to hide information and protect data, abstraction talks about how to hide the specific implementation of functions.

In the practice, we implement a class by an interface. The class can use all the functions of the interface without understanding these functions.

The advantage is:

  • Easier to code since we use the existed functions.


Inheritance is used to express the is-a relationship between classes.

Inheritance lets the child not only inherits parent's functions, but also override them.

The advantage is:

  • DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself): The class can use the function in its parent class.

    Composition can do the same. Sometimes, it's better than the inheritance.

The disadvantage is:

  • Over-used inheritance is hard to maintain. That's why, sometimes, composition is better.


With the polymorphism, the parent class can be replaced its child.

There are 3 ways to realise the polymorphism.

  • inherit the parent class and override its functions

  • implement the interface and implement its functions.

  • duck-typing (it appears in dynamic programming language because the tying is not required).

    Two classes have no relationship but have a function shared the same name. In this case, we can call this function and have different results, which depends on the instance we initialize.

      class Logger:
          def record(self):
              print(“I write a log into file.”)
      class DB:
          def record(self):
              print(“I insert data into db. ”)
      def test(recorder):
          recorder.record() # polymorphism
      def demo():
          logger = Logger()
          db = DB()

The advatage is:

  • Improve code scalability and reusability.