Inheritance vs Composition

Combination is better than inheritance, use more combination less inheritance.

The disadvantage of inheritance is when the tree of inheritance is too deep or too wide, it's hard to maintain and shared the codes among the classes.

For exemple, we want to create a class Ostrich. It can fly and lay eggs. If we use inheritance, we need to create 6 parents classes!

Bird - | -   FlyBird  - | - FlyAndLayeggBird
       | _            _ | - FlyNotLayeggBird
       | - LayeggBrid - | - LayeggNotFlyBrid

If we use combination.

public interface Flyable {
  void fly();

public class FlyAbility implements Flyable {
  public void fly() { //... }


public class Ostrich implements Tweetable, EggLayable { //鸵鸟
  private TweetAbility tweetAbility = new TweetAbility();  // combination
  private EggLayAbility eggLayAbility = new EggLayAbility(); // combination

  //... 省略其他属性和方法...

  public void tweet() {
    tweetAbility.tweet(); // delegation

  public void layEgg() {
    eggLayAbility.layEgg(); // delegation

To sum up:

  • If the there are ONLY two layer in inheritance tree, the relation between the classes is simple. We can use inheritance.

  • If the relation between the classes is complicate, we use combination.

4 relationships between the classes

  • Generalization

    It's inheritance.

    public class A { ... }
    public class B extends A { ... }
  • Realization

    It's implementation of the interface.

    public interface A {...}
    public class B implements A { ... }
  • Aggregation

    It's like Dependency Injection.

    If the instance of class A is destroyed, that of the class B still exists. (Teacher and Student)

    public class A {
      private B b;
      public A(B b) {
        this.b = b;
  • Composition

    If the instance of class A is destroyed, that of the class B is destroyed, too. (Car and Wheel)

    public class A {
      private B b;
      public A() {
        this.b = new B();