SMART questions

Some questions are more effective than others:

  • Specific: Does the question focus on a particular car feature?

  • Measurable: Does the question include a feature rating system?

  • Action-oriented: Does the question influence creation of different or new feature packages?

  • Relevant: Does the question identify which features make or break a potential car purchase?

  • Time-bound: Does the question validate data on the most popular features from the last three years?

Specific questions

Specific questions are simple, significant and focused on a single topic or a few closely related ideas.

This helps us collect information that's relevant to what we're investigating.

Measurable questions

Measurable questions can be quantified and assessed.

Action-oriented questions

Action-oriented questions encourage change.

Action-oriented questions helps see the current state and figure out how to transform it into the ideal future state.

Relevant questions

Relevant questions matter, are important and have significance to the problem you're trying to solve.

Time-bound questions

Time-bound questions specify the time to be studied.