Before Q&A

First, you should

  • Understand your stakehold's expectations

  • Make sure you have a clear understading of the objective and what the stakeholders wanted

Then, you can start to identify the possible audience questions. You can:

  • do a colleague test

    present to your colleague who has no knownledge about your project

  • asume that your audience has zero background information of your project

  • work with the team to anticipate questions and draft the answers

Finally, you should be prepared to consider any limitaions of your data by

  • critically analyzing the correlations
  • looking at the context
  • understand the strengths and weekness of your tools

Handling objections

The objections or questions could be:

  • data

    • Where you got the data?

    • What system it came from?

    • What transformations happened to it?

    • How fresh and accurate is data?

  • analysis

    • Is the analysis reproducible?

    • Who did you get the feedback from?

  • findings

    • Do these findings exist in previous time periods?

    • Did you control for the differences in your data?

It's important to keep the Changlogs and documents during the analysis.

To reponse these:

  • communicate any assumptions

  • explain why the analysis is different than expected

  • acknowledge that the objections are valid and take steps to investigate further

Best practices

  • Listen to the whole question

  • Repeat the question if necessary

  • Understand the context

  • Involve the whole audience

  • Keep your responses short and to the point