Sharing findings

  • report
  • dashboard
  • pivot table


A report is a static collection of data given to stakeholders periodically.


  • high level historical data

  • easy to design

  • pre-cleaned and sorted data


  • continual maintenance

  • less visually appealing

  • static


A dashboard monitors live, incoming data.


  • dynamic, automatic, interactive

  • easy to access

  • low maintenance


  • cost on design

  • confusing

  • potentially uncleaned data

Types of dashboards

The three most common categories are:

  • Strategic: focuses on long term goals and strategies at the highest level of metrics

  • Operational: short-term performance tracking and intermediate goals

  • Analytical: consists of the datasets and the mathematics used in these sets

Pivot table

A pivot table is a data summarization tool that is used in data processing.

Pivot tables are used to summarize, sort, re-organize, group, count, total, or average data stored in a database.

It allows its users to transform columns into rows and rows into columns.


A metric is a single, quantifiable type of data that can be used for measurement.

Metrics can also be combined into formulas that you can plug your numerical data into.