Solve problems with data

We're going to focus on six common types. These include:

  1. making predictions
  2. categorizing things
  3. spotting something unusual
  4. identifying themes
  5. discovering connections
  6. finding patterns

Making predictions

This problem type involves using data to make an informed decision about how things may be in the future.

Categorizing things

This means assigning information to different groups or clusters based on common features.

Spotting something unusual

We identify data that is different from the norm.

Identifying themes

Identifying themes takes categorization as a step further by grouping information into broader concepts.

Discovering connections

The problem type of discovering connections enables data analysts to find similar challenges faced by different entities, and then combine data and insights to address them.

Finding patterns

Data analysts use data to find patterns by using historical data to understand what happened in the past and is therefore likely to happen again.