Data frame

A data frame is a collection of columns. It is similar to a table in spreadsheets or SQL.

  • Columns should be named.

  • Data stored can be different types.

  • Each data column should contain the same number of data items, even some of those are missing.


Tibbles are like steamlined data frames.

  • Never change the data types of the input
  • Never change the names of the your variables.
  • Never create row names
  • Make printing easier

Tidy data (R)

It's a way of standardizing the organization of data within R.

  • Variables are organized into columns.
  • Observations are organized into rows.
  • Each value must have its own cell.

Basic functions in R to work with a data frame

  • head(): return the first 6 rows of a data frame

  • str(): return the structure of a data frame

  • colname(): return the column names of a data frame

  • mutate(): manipulate the data frame, like adding a new column.

Data cleaning

Cleaning functions help you preview and rename data so that it’s easier to work with.

  • skim_without_charts(): return a summary of a data frame

  • glimpse(): return a transposed data frame. (rows to columns, columns to rows)

  • select(): include or exclude a column

  • rename(): rename a column name

  • rename_with(): rename all column names. It's usually worked with toupper or tolower.

  • clean_names(): ensure that there's only charactors, numbers and underscores in the names.

Organizing data

Organizational functions help you sort, filter, and summarize your data.

Usually, they work with the pipe.

  • arrange(): sort the data

    # sort the data by level
    raw_data %>% arrange(level)
  • group_by():

    # find the mean income of each year
    raw_data %>% group_by(year) %>% drop_na() %>% summarize(mean_income = mean(income))
  • filter():

    # find the data of 2020
    raw_data %>% filter(year == "2020")

Transforming data

Transformational functions help you separate and combine data, as well as create new variables.

  • separate(): separate a column into multiple

    separate(employee, name, into=c("first_name", "last_name", sep=" "))
  • unite(): merge columns

    unite(employee, "name", first_name, last_name, sep=" ")
  • mutate(): add new columns

    employee %>% mutate(year_salary=month_salaire * 12)

Bias function

The bias function compares the actual outcome of the data with the predicted outcome to determine whether or not the model is biased.

It calculates the average difference between the actual and predicted values

bias(actual_data, predicted_data)