Covert data

Incorrectly formatted data can:

  • Lead to mistakes
  • Take time to fix
  • Affect stakeholder's decision-making


Combining data from two cells

  • CONCAT: combine 2 values
  • CONCATENATE: combine multiple values

Data validation

  • Add dropdown lists with predetermined options
  • Create custom checkboxes
  • Protect structured data and formulas


  • CONCAT: A function that adds strings together to create new text strings that can be used as unique keys

    For exemple, CONCAT (‘Google’, ‘.com’);

  • CONCAT_WS: A function that adds two or more strings together with a separator

    For exemple, CONCAT_WS (‘ . ’, ‘www’, ‘google’, ‘com’)

  • +: Adds two or more strings together using the + operator

    For exemple: ‘Google’ + ‘.com’