

  • Base class constructors are called first.

  • Base class constructors are not inherited.

public class Person
  private string _name;

  public Person(string name)
    this._name = name;

public class Customer : Person
  public Customer(string name)
    : base(name)
    // TODO

base() will call the constructors of the base class before initialization.

Upcasting & Downcasting

  • Upcasting: convert from a derived class to a base class.
  • Downcasting: convert from a base class to a derived class.


Person a = new Person("a");
Customer b = a; // safe, no extra action


Person a = new Person("a");
Customer b = a;

Person c = (Person)b;

as keyword

Customer c = person as Customer;

is keyword

if (person is Customer)
  Customer c = person;