Parent-Child Components

Connection betweent Parent Component and Child Component

Data binding

Pass data from Parent component to Child component

  • In parent component:

    <child [parentData]="data"></child>
    export class Parent {
        data: string
  • In child component

    import { Input } from "@angular/core";
    export class Child {
        // "parentData" is the property name of element <child>
        @Input("parentData") data: string;

Pass data from Child component to Parent component

  • In parent component

    <child (getChildData)="getChildData($event)"></child>
    export class Parent {
        getChildData(data: string) {
            // TODO
  • In child component

    import { Output } from "@angular/core";
    export class Child {
        @Output("getChildData") dataEmitter = new EventEmitter<string>();
        someFn(data: string) {
            // doing somthing

Local Reference

get the DOM Element.

  • use function

    <input #input />
    <button (click)="getInput(input)"></button>
    getInput(input: HTMLInputElement) {}
  • use @ViewChild

    <input #input></input>
    import { ViewChild, ElementRef } from "@angular/core";
    @ViewChild("input") inputRef: ElementRef;

    If inputRef is used in ngOnInit, use @ViewChild("input", {static: true}).

    If {static: false} (by default), it's available after ngAfterInit

Html binding

pass html from Parent to Child

  • In Parent:

        <input />
  • In Child

    <!-- somthing else -->
        <ng-content #content></ng-content>
    <!-- somthing else-->

To get the DOM element in the content, use @ContentChild.

The way of using it is the same as the way of using @ViewChild.

import { ContentChild, ElementRef } from "@angular/core";

@ContentChild("input") inputRef: ElementRef;

View Encapsulation

    // ...
    encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.Emulated
  • Emulated: (default), Component's CSS rules is only applied to this component.

  • Native: Same as Emulated, but using shadow DOM

  • None: Component's CSS rules is applied globally.

Cross components Data passing

If the data needed to be sent to other components without parent-child relation, use Subject.

Subject is an Observable with next() function. While next() can emit a new value to the Subject.

In Service:

export class DataService {
    dataSubject = new Subject<string>();

In Component A, the data is sent.'data');

While, in Component B, the data can be received.

    data => = data