
  • Attribute directive:

    Affect ONLY the element it is added to, such as [ngClass], [ngStyle]

  • Structural directive:

    Affect a whole area in DOM, such as: *ngIf, *ngFor


    selector: '[appDirective]'
export class myDirective {}
 <div appDirective></div>

Attribute directive

ElementRef lets the attribute directive access the element.

import { ElementRef } from '@angular/core';

constructor(elementRef: ElementRef) {}
  • Using Renderer2 from @angular/core to manipulate DOM is better than modifying DOM Element directly. Because we don't know if we can access the DOM.

    import { ElementRef, Renderer2 } from '@angular/core';
        elementRef: ElementRef,
        render: Renderer2) {}
  • @HostListener listens to the DOM Event.

    @HostListener('mouseenter') mouseEnter(event: Event) {
        // TODO
  • @HostBinding binds the element's property

    @HostBinding('style.backgroundColor') backgroundColor: string;
  • @Input can be used in Directive. It is used as that in @Component.

Structural directive

<div *ngIf=[isOdd]></div>

is equal to

<ng-template [ngIf]="isOdd"><ng-template>

Create a structural directive

import { TemplateRef,ViewContainerRef } from '@angular/core';

@Input() set unless(condition) {
    // this func executes once the property is changed
    if (!condition) {
    } else {

    templateRef: TemplateRef<any>, // access the ng-template
    vcRef: ViewContainerRef, // mainpulate the view
    ) {}