Stack and Queue


Stack is a linear list limited by the rule FILO (First In Last Out).

We can use array or linked list to implement this data structure.

class ArrayStack:
    def __init__(self, n):
        self.items = []
        self.n = n
        self.count = 0
    def push(item) -> bool:
        Add the item to the end of the array
        if self.count == self.n:
            return False
        self.count += 1
        return True
    def pop(item):
        return the last item of the array
        if self.count == 0:
            return None
        self.count -= 1
        return self.item[self.count]
class LinkedNode:
    def __init__(self, val):
        self.val = val = None

class LinkedListStack:
    def __init__(self, n):
        self.head = LinkedNode(None)
        self.n = n
        self.count = 0
    def push(self, item) -> bool:
        Add item to the first node in the linked list
        if self.count == self.n:
            return False
        new_node = LinkedNode(item) = = new_node
        self.count += 1
        return True
    def pop(self):
        return the val of the first node in the linked list
        if is None:
            return None
        tmp = = = None
        return tmp.val


  • 227. Basic Calculator II

    There are 2 ways to use stack in this problem.

    • use two stacks, one for numbers, one for operations.

      use two loops. The first loop reads digitals and deals with the * and / operations. The second one deals with the rest and returns the result

    • use one stack for number. The number can be positive and negative

      use 2 global variables, previous number and previous operator.

      use one loop, we always deal with the previous case and update these two variable.

      DO NOT forget the last char in the string.

  • 224. Basic Calculator


Queue is a limited linear list, too. The rule is FIFO (First In First Out).

We can use array or linked list to implement this data structure.

class ArrayQueue:
    def __init__(self, n):
        self.items = []
        self.n = n
        self.head = 0 # index of the first item
        self.tail = 0 # index after the last item
    def enqueue(self, item) -> bool:
        if self.tail == self.n:
            if self.head == 0:
                # Queue is full.
                return False
            for i in range(self.head, self.n):
                self.items[i - self.head] = self.items[i]
            self.tail = self.n - self.head
            self.head = 0
        self.items[self.tail] = item
        self.tail += 1
        return True
    def dequeue(self):
        if self.head == self.tail:
            return None
        item = self.items[self.head]
        self.head += 1
        return item
class LinkedNode:
    def __init__(self, val):
        self.val = val = None

class LinkedListQueue:
    def __init__(self, n):
        self.head = LinkedNode(None) # node before the first node
        self.tail = self.head # node of the last node
        self.n = n
        self.count = 0
    def enqueue(self, item):
        if self.count == self.n:
            return False
        new_node = LinkedNode(item) = new_node
        self.tail =
        self.count += 1
        return True
    def dequeue(self):
        if self.count == 0:
            return None
        val = =
        self.count -= 1
        return val

Circular Queue

The circular queue is based on array queue. The tail of the queue is followed by the head.

It doesn't need to move data when the queue is "fake" full (tail == n && head != 0).

In practice, There is an empty space between the head and the tail. It helps to define the conditions of full queue and empty queue.

Two edge cases are important to a queue.

  • The queue is full.

  • The queue is empty.

For a normal array queue, these 2 are:

  • Full: tail == n

  • Empty: head == tail

For the circular array queue, these 2 are:

  • Full: (tail + 1) % n == head

    We use (tail + 1) % n to move tail to the next position. It's the same for head.

    (a + 1) % n solves the special case. When a == n - 1, the next position of a should be 0.

  • Empty: head == tail

class CircularArrayQueue:
    def __init__(self, n):
        self.items = []
        self.n = n
        self.head = 0 # index of the first item
        self.tail = 0 # index after the last item
    def enqueue(self, item):
        if (self.tail + 1) % self.n == self.head:
            return False
        self.items[self.tail] = item
        self.tail = (self.tail + 1) % self.n
        reture True
    def dequeue(self):
        if self.tail == self.head:
            return None
        val = self.items[self.head]
        self.head = (self.head + 1) % n

The circular queue is widely used in pools, such as connection pool of database, message queue, concurrency, etc. It controls the distribution of the resource.