
There are a lot of sort algorithms. We classify them by time complexity.

How to analyze a sort algorithm

There are 3 apects.

  • Efficiency

    Some indicators are important to measure the efficiency

    1. The best, worse and average Time Complexity.
    2. The coefficient, constant, order of n.
    3. The times of comparasion and switch.
  • Memory consumption

    The space complexity should be considered.

    Sorted in place is a kind of sort whose space complexity is O(1).

  • Stability

    When there are 2 same items in the list, if they haven't changed relative position, then the sort is stable.

    It depends on the implement. Change the list ONLY we need to.



Bubble sort only operate on two adjacent data. If these 2 data meet the switch condition, we switch them.

def bubble_sort(a: list) -> list:
  l = a.copy()
  n = len(l)

  if len(l) <= 1: return l
  for i in range(n):
    is_switched = False
    for j in range(n-i-1):
      if l[j] > l[j+1]: # switch condition
        l[j], l[j+1] = l[j+1], l[j]
        is_switched = True
    if is_switched == False: break

  return l
  • Memory consumption

    It's sorted in place. O(1)

  • Stability


  • Efficiency

    • Best: Outter loop runs only one time. O(n)
    • Worse: O(n^2)
    • Average: difficult to calculate :( , but it's O(n^2)

We use average switch times to approach average time complexity.

For switch times:

  • best

    No switch => 0

    In the case, all the pairs in the list are ordered pairs.

  • worse

    switch every times => n*(n-1)/2

    In the case, there is no ordered pairs.

So the average switch times is ( 0 + n*(n-1)/2 ) / 2. The average time complexity approach is O(n^2).

Here, we introduce a definition, ordered pairs.

# i < j is a sufficient not necessary condition

a[i] <= a[j], if i < j

Reversed pairs are the opposite of ordered pairs.

# i <= j is a sufficient not necessary condition

a[i] > a[j], if i < j


The main idea is to insert a item into a sorted list.

So, we need to seperate a list into two parts, sorted and unsorted. We pick item from unsorted part and insert it into sorted part.

def insert_sort(a: list) -> list:
  l = a.copy()
  n = len(l)

  if n <= 1: return l
  for i in range(1, n):
    val = l[i]
    j = i - 1
    # move sorted list
    while j >= 0:
      if l[j] > val: # switch condition
        l[j+1] = l[j]
        j -= 1
    # insert
    l[j+1] = val
  return l
  • Memory consumption

    It's sorted in place. O(1)

  • Stability


  • Efficiency

    • Best: Inner loop runs only one time. O(n)
    • Worse: O(n^2)
    • Average: use the times of switch to approach, O(n^2)

The times of the switch is the number of the reversed pairs.


It also splits the list into sorted and unsorted parts. However, it selects the minimal value in the unsorted part and puts it at the end of the sorted part.

def selection_sort(a: list) -> list:
  l = a.copy()
  n = len(l)

  if n <= 1: return l

  for i in range(n):
    for j in range(i, n):
      if l[i] > l[j]: # switch condition
        l[i], l[j] = l[j], l[i]
  return l 
  • Memory consumption

    It's sorted in place. O(1)

  • Stability


  • Efficiency

    It needs to compare all the paires.

    • Best: O(n^2)
    • Worse: O(n^2)
    • Average: O(n^2)


The main idea of O(nlogn) sort is spliting a big array into small arrays, then solving the small arrays.


The idea is simple.

  1. split a big array into 2 arrays

  2. merge 2 arrays into one by the order ASC / DESC.

To make it simple, we split an array in 2.

def _merge_sort_worker(arr: List[int], start: int, end: int) -> None:
    merge sort the arr[start:end] recursively
    # end-1 is the index of the last item is the array
    if start >= end - 1: 
    mid = start + (end - start) // 2
    _merge_sort_worker(arr, start, mid)
    _merge_sort_worker(arr, mid, end)
    _merge(arr, start, mid, end)

In this example, we sort the array in asc.

def _merge(arr: List[int], start: int, mid: int, end: int):
    merge arr[start:mid] and arr[mid:end]
    merged array is sorted.
    i = start
    j = mid
    merged_arr = []

    while i != mid and j != end:
        if arr[i] > arr[j]:
            j += 1
            i += 1
    if i != mid: merged_arr.extend(arr[i:mid])
    if j != end: merged_arr.extend(arr[j:end])

    arr[start:end] = merged_arr

Finally, we use merge sort.

def merge_sort(arr: List[int]) -> List[int]:
    copied_arr = arr.copy()
    n = len(copied_arr)

    _merge_sort_worker(copied_arr, 0, n)
    return copied_arr
  • Memory consumption

    It's sorted in place. O(1)

  • Stability


  • Efficiency

    • best: O(nlogn)
    • worst: O(nlogn)
    • average: O(nlogn)

How we get the O(nlogn) time complexity

In merge sort, we split an array into 2. So, if the time of sorting an array having n items is T(n), then:

# C is a constant.

T(1) = C

T(n) = 2*T(n/2) + n
T(n) = 2*(2*T(n/4) + n/2) + n = 4*T(n/4) + 2*n
T(n) = 2^k * T(n/2^k) + k*n

When n/2<sup>k</sup> == 1, so that k = log<sub>2</sub>n.

We can get an equation about n.

T(n) = C*n + n*logn

Since nlogn is much larger than n when n approaches infinity. So, we get O(n) = nlogn.


The idea is:

  1. choose a random number in the array as pivot.

    The key point of quick sort is to choose a good pivot which can split the array evenly.

    Random number is one way. We can also choose the median of first, last and middle item in the array.

  2. put the the numbers that are smaller than the pivot before the pivot, the rest after the pivot.

    The array is split into 2 arrays.

  3. do the step 1 & 2 on the arrays that are before & after the pivot

def _quick_sort_worker(arr: List[int], start: int, end: int) -> None:
    if start >= end - 1: 
    pivot_idx = _partition(arr, start, end)
    _quick_sort_worker(arr, start, pivot_idx)
    _quick_sort_worker(arr, pivot_idx+1, end)
def _partition(arr: List[int], start: int, end: int) -> int:
    Tricky method:

    1. choose a random item in the array, and put it at the first / last position
    2. traverse the rest of array
    k = random.randint(start, end - 1)
    arr[k], arr[end - 1] = arr[end - 1], arr[k]
    pivot_idx = start

    for i in range(start, end - 1):
        if arr[i] < arr[end - 1]:
            arr[i], arr[pivot_idx] = arr[pivot_idx], arr[i]
            pivot_idx += 1
    arr[end - 1], arr[pivot_idx] = arr[pivot_idx], arr[end - 1]
    return pivot_idx

_partition is tricky. See Kth Largest Element in an Array to learn more

  • Memory consumption

    O(1). It needs a temporaire memory to stock the array in _merge function.

  • Stability

    No. _partition change the positions of items having the same value.

  • Efficiency

    • best: O(nlogn)
    • worst: O(n^2)
    • average: O(nlogn)

    The time complexity depends on the choice of pivot.

    For exemple, we always choose the last item as pivot of the array [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. The time complexity is O(n^2).

    That's why we choose a random item as a pivot.


The sort whose time complexity is O(n) are called linear sort.

There are 3 common linear sorts.

These 3 sorts are NOT based on the comparaison. That's the main reason that their time complexities are O(n).

However, these sorts have strict demande on data format.


We split the data into serveral ordered bucket. Then we do O(nlogn) sort, like quick sort, in each bucket.

The most tricky part in this sort is how to create the buckets that make data split evenly in each bucket.

Time complexity

If we have n items and m buckets, then in each bucket, we have k = n/m items.

The time complexity of each bucket is:

O(klogk) = O(n/m * log(n/m))

The time complexity of bucket sort is:

m * O(n/m * log(n/m)) = O(n * log(n/m))

When m approaches n, the time complexity approach to O(n).


  • Buckets are ordered

  • Data is even in each bucket.

    If the data isn't even, some buckets have a lot of data, some have little. The time complexity will become O(nlogn).


A use case is sorting the huge external data.

We can't put all the data into the memory at once. So, we traverse all the data, find the distribution of the data and create the buckets. Then we sort bucket by bucket.


The main idea of counting sort is to count how many numbers is smaller / bigger than current number.

Counting sort does 2 things:

  1. create an array C.

    The C[i] means there are C[i] items equal or small/bigger than i.

  2. traverse the orignal array and sort it using the array C

The first part is composed by 2 steps.

  1. bincount

    C = np.bincount(arr)
  2. accumulate

    C = np.add.accumulate(C)

In this part, we can find the limits of counting sort.

  1. The data in the array must be positive. Because the array C can't have a negative index.

  2. The data in the array can't be sparse. If the data is sparse, we will have a lot of 0 in the bincount step, and the array C will be huge. It can be much biggest than the orignal array.

The second part is more tricky.

  1. read the orignal array from bottom to top.

    The order is important. It makes counting sort stable. The position of the same value won't be changed after sort.

  2. take the value of orignal array as an index of the array C, then take the value of array C as an index of sorted array, finally, fill in the value of orignal array

    idx_c = org_arr[i]
    # C[idx_c] means the numbers of items whose value <= idx_c .
    # So we need to -1 to transform it into index of sorted array.
    idx_sorted_arr = C[idx_c] - 1 
    sorted_arr[idx_sorted_arr] = org_arr[i]
    # The numbers of items whose value <= idx_c reduces 1.
    C[idx_c] -= 1

The entire implement is as followed.

from typing import List

def _accumulate_bincount(nums: List[int]) -> List[int]:
    len_acc_bincounts = max(nums) + 1
    acc_bincounts = [0 for _ in range(len_acc_bincounts)]

    # bincount
    for num in nums:
        acc_bincounts[num] += 1
    # accumulate
    for i in range(1, len_acc_bincounts):
        acc_bincounts[i] += acc_bincounts[i-1]
    return acc_bincounts

def _fill_sorted_nums(nums: List[int], acc_bincounts: List[int])-> List[int]:
    sorted_nums = [0 for _ in nums]
    i = len(nums) - 1

    while i >= 0:
        idx_acc_bincounts = nums[i]
        idx_sorted_nums = acc_bincounts[idx_acc_bincounts]
        sorted_nums[idx_sorted_nums - 1] = nums[i]

        acc_bincounts[idx_acc_bincounts] -= 1
        i -= 1
    return sorted_nums

def counting_sort(nums: List[int]) -> List[int]:
    acc_bincounts = _accumulate_bincount(nums)
    sorted_nums = _fill_sorted_nums(nums, acc_bincounts)

    return sorted_nums


Radix sort must apply the rule, high position takes priority over low position.

For example, 20 > 18. Although 8 > 0, 2 > 1 so that 20 > 18.

Radix sort sorts the radix from low to high using O(n) sort, such as bucket sort or counting sort.


In this article, we've talked about 3 types of sort, O(n^2), O(nlogn), O(n). O(n^2) costs too much time, while O(n) sets too much limits on data. Usually, we use O(nlogn) in the industry.

We've presented two O(nlogn) sorts, merge sort and quick sort. The difference between them is:

  • worse time complexity:

    • merge sort: O(nlogn)
    • quick sort: O(n^2)
  • space complexity:

    • merge sort: O(n)
    • quick sort: O(1)
  • Stability

    • merge sort: Yes
    • quick sort: No

We can see merge sort is better than quick sort when the data isn't huge. Quick sort needs choose a good pivot to avoid the worse time complexity.

When data is little, these 3 types of sort havn't much difference in performance. So we prefer the insert sort. Because its best time complexity is O(n), and the the times of switch can be less than that of bubble sort.