
Heap is a special tree.

  • Heap is a complete binary tree.

  • Every node must be smaller / bigger or equal to all the nodes in its sub trees.

Data structure

Since the heap is a complete binary tree, the array is more suitable for storing data.

If the data of the node i is saved in arr[i], then its left child is saved in arr[2*i], its right child is in arr[2*i + 1] and its parent is in arr[i // 2].

arr[0] is null.


class MinHeap:
    def __init__(self, n: int) -> None:
        ## Arributes
        - n: the capacity of the MinHeap
        - arr: the array that contains heap's data
        - count: current volume of the heap
        self.n = n
        self.arr = [None for _ in range(n+1)]
        self.count = 0


def push(self, num: int) -> None:
    if self.count == self.n:
    self.count += 1
    self.arr[self.count] = num
  1. put the new data at the end of the array.

  2. heapify: from bottom to top

    There are 2 types of heapifying.

    • from bottom to top
    • from top to bottom

    In the insert operation, we use the first one.

    def shiftup(self):
        from bottom to top heapify for a min-heap
        i = self.count
        while i // 2 != 0:
            if self.arr[i//2] > self.arr[i]:
                self.arr[i], self.arr[i//2] = self.arr[i//2], self.arr[i]
                i = i // 2

    Time complexity: O(logn).


def pop(self) -> Optional[int]:
    if self.count == 0:
        return None
    val = self.arr[1]
    self.arr[1] = self.arr[self.count]
    self.count -= 1
    return val
  1. remove the first item, arr[1], in the array.

  2. replace arr[1] by the last one, arr[n-1] (n = len(arr)).

  3. heapify: from top to bottom

     def shiftdown(self, top: int):
         from top to bottom heapify for a min-heap
         compare 3 nodes: current node, its left child and its right child
         and find the smallest one.
         If the smallest one is the current node, then break
         else swap the smallest one with the current node, and move to upper level. 
         i = smaller_child_index = top
         while True:
             left, right = 2*i, 2*i+1
             if left <= self.count and self.arr[smaller_child_index] > self.arr[left]:
                 smaller_child_index = left
             if right <= self.count and self.arr[smaller_child_index] > self.arr[right]:
                 smaller_child_index = right
             if smaller_child_index == i:
             self.arr[i], self.arr[smaller_child_index] = self.arr[smaller_child_index], self.arr[i]
             i = smaller_child_index

    Time complexity: O(logn).

Create a heap

Since we have 2 ways to heapify, we have 2 ways to create a heap.

  1. put the first item into arr[1] and keep inserting the new items into the heap.

    Time complexity: O(nlogn).

    The time complexity can be approach by the times of inserting. The function insert is O(logn) and it is called n times.

  2. from the last non-leaf node, arr[n//2], to the top, heapify it.

    def build(self, arr: List[int]):
        if len(arr) > self.n:
        self.arr = [None] + arr
        self.count = len(arr)
        for i in range(self.count // 2, 0, -1):

    Time complexity: O(n)

    The time complexity can be approach by the times of heapifying. We heapify all the sub-tree, inclue the entire tree. So the times of heapifying is,

    S = ∑2<sup>h-i</sup> * (h-i) (1 <= i <= h)

    To calculate it:

    S = 2S - S = ∑2<sup>i</sup> - h (1 <= i <= h)

    Now, we have 2 equation.

    • S = 2<sup>h+1</sup> - 2 + h
    • h = log<sub>2</sub> n

    S = O(n). So the time complexity is O(n).


After the min-heap is built, the top, arr[1], is the smallest item. The sort is to swap arr[1] with arr[n] and heapify arr[1:n].

The result is:

  • min-heap => desc array
  • max-heap => asc array
def sort(nums: List[int]) -> List[int]:
    min_heap = MinHeap(len(nums))

    for i in range(len(nums), 0, -1):
        min_heap.arr[1], min_heap.arr[i] = min_heap.arr[i], min_heap.arr[1]
        min_heap.count -= 1
    return min_heap.arr[1:]

The time complexity is O(nlogn). It isn't stable because of heapifying. It's sort in place, the space complexity is O(1).

The heap sort is not by the order of the index. It's not friendly for CPU. Beside, the times of switch is too much during heapifying. That's why people usually choose Quick sort than Heap sort.


Priority queue (alias of Heap)

Priority queue is similar to Queue. However, it always pops the item having the highest priority.

Priority queue can be implemented by Heap. The top item has the highest priority.

Top k problems

For exemple, finding the k<sup>th</sup> largest item

  1. create and fill a MinHeap with the size k.

  2. compare the rest of items with the top of heap one by one.

    • If the item is bigger than the heap top, remove the top and insert the item
    • Else, do nothing
  3. return the the heap top.

The advantages of using heap are

  1. It's very efficient. Creating a heap is O(n), and inserting / removing are O(logn).
  2. The size of input data can be dynamic. We don't care about the input data. We just need to maintain the heap.

Finding the Median

For exemple, finding Median from Data Stream

We can create 2 heap, a MaxHeap and a MinHeap.

MaxHeap contains all the number smaller or equal to the median. While the MinHeap contains those bigger or equal to the median.

What's more.

size(MaxHeap) - size(MinHeap) <= 1

Finally, we return the top of the MaxHeap.

Like Top k problems, here, we don't care the size of the input data. We just need to track the difference of these 2 heaps' size.

Maintaining these 2 heaps, we can also solve the problems like finding the value bigger or smaller than n % of all the data. The size of the MaxHeap is n or 1/n times of the MinHeap.