Dynamic Programming

Why we need Dynamic Programming

When we use Backtracking Algorithm to solve the problems, such as fibonacci numbers, Knapsack, etc. The time complexity is 0(2^n). It's not efficient.

The cause of the high time complexity is the internal results are re-calculated, again and again.

Dynamic Programming can cache the internal states so that it improves the time complexity.


Dynamic Programming has "one model" and "three features".


We use dynamic programming to solve optimal problems.

The process of solving problems requires multiple decision-making stages. Each decision stage corresponds to a set of states. We use the states to solve optimal problems.

Feature 1: Optimal substructure

Solving a optimal problem can be splited by solving multiple optimal sub-problems.

That means the state of the later stage can be derived from the state of the previous stage.

Feature 2: No aftereffect

  • We only care about the state value of the previous stage, not how this state is derived step by step.

  • Once the state of a certain stage is determined, it will NOT be affected by the decision of the subsequent stage.

Feature 3: Duplicate sub-problems

The states of stage can be duplicated because of recursion. That's why we need to cache the states.

Solving DP

There are 2 ways.

  1. solving it from start stage to end stage.

  2. solving it from end stage to start stage.

    It's recommended way. We need to write the State Transition Equation.

    # init
    f[0] = a, f[1] = b, ...
    # State Transition Equation
    f[n] = g(f[n-1], f[n-2], ... )