Binary Tree


  • nodes:

    There are 3 common types, parent node, child node and sibling node.

    The node that has no child is leaf node.

    The node that has no parent is root node.

  • Height of the node i:

    It's the max number of edge from the node i to a leaf node

  • Depth of the node i:

    It's the number of edge from the node i to the root node.

  • Level of the node: Depth of the node + 1

Binary Tree

In binary tree, a node has, at most, 2 children.

  • full binary tree:

    All the nodes, except leaf nodes, have 2 children.

  • complete binary tree:

    1. All the nodes, except those in last 2 levels, have 2 children.

    2. The leaf nodes are positioned as left as possible.

Advantage of complete binary tree.

If we save a tree in the array and we suppose that the node i is saved in arr[i], then its left node is saved in arr[2*i] and its right node is saved in arr[2*i+1].

If the binary tree is complete, then the array, except the arr[0], is full. Otherwise, there must have an index i, i>0 that arr[i] is None.

Traversing a binary tree

There are 4 orders to traverse a binary tree.

  • Pre Order:

    mid -> left -> right

    def pre_order(node):
        if node is None: return
  • In Order:

    left -> mid -> right

    def in_order(node):
        if node is None: return
  • Post Order:

    left -> right -> mid

    def post_order(node):
        if node is None: return
  • level order

    It's different from previous orders. It traverse the tree level by level, from left to right.

    def level_order(root):
        while len(queue) != 0:
            node = queue.pop(0)
            if node.left is not None:
            if node.right is not None:

The time complexity of all of them is O(n).

Binary Search Tree

It's a special binary tree, built for searching.

For any node in the binary tree, all the nodes in its left child tree are smaller than it, those in its right child tree are greater than it.

Find a node

def find(self, val: int) -> Optional[LinkedNode]:
    node = self.root
    while node.val != val and node is not None:
        if node.val > val: node = node.left
        if node.val < val: node = node.right
    return node

Insert a node

def insert(self, val: int) -> None:
    node = self.root
    if node is None:
        self.root = LinkedNode(val)

    parent = None
    while node is not None:
        parent = node
        node = node.left if node.val > val else node.right
    if parent.val > val:
        parent.left = LinkedNode(val)
        parent.right = LinkedNode(val)

Delete a node

def delete(val: int) -> Optional[LinkedNode]:
    node = self.root
    parent = None
    while node.val != val and node is not None:
        parent = node
        if node.val > val: node = node.left
        if node.val < val: node = node.right

    if node is None: return

    # case 1: The node has 2 children
    # replace the node with the right min node
    if node.left is not None and node.right is not None:
        right_parent = node
        right_min_node = node.right
        while right_min_node.left is not None:
            right_parent = right_min_node
            right_min_node = right_min_node.left
        # replace the node with the right min node
        node.val, right_min_node.val = right_min_node.val, node.val
        # prepare for deleting right min node
        parent, node = right_parent, right_min_node

    # case 2: The node has one child or no child
    child = node.left if node.left is not None else node.right
    # remove node
    if parent is None:
        self.root = child
        return node
    if parent.left is node:
        parent.left = None
        return node
    if parent.right is node:
        parent.right = None
        return node


  • Its InOrder traverse returns a orderd list.

  • Time complexity

    • If the binary search is complete, then the number of comparaison is the height of the tree. The time complexity is O(logn).

    • The worst case is all the node have only left / right child. It becomes a linked list. The time complexity is O(n).

Binary Search Tree vs Hash Table

  • Order:

    Hash Table has't an order.

    Binary Search Tree's InOrder traverse returns a orderd list.

  • Performance (Stability of the time complexity)

    Hash Table need increase / decrease the size, and it may meet hash collision. Its time complexity isn't stable.

    Binary Search Tree's time complexity depends on whether the tree is complete or not. It's not stable, either.

  • Complexity of data structure.

    Hash table is more complex than Binary Search Tree. We need to consider the hash function, hash collision, increasement / decreasement of size. While, for Binary Search Tree, we just need to know whether the tree is complete.

    Usually, extra complexity costs extra time and space. Date structure should be as simple as possible.