Binary Search

If we want to find a number in a ordered data set, we can use binary search.

we suppose the data is in the range from min to max. We, first, compare mid with the searched number, num.

  • If num == mid, return True
  • If min >= max, return False
  • If num < mid, continue the search on the range [min: mid]
  • If num > mid, continue the search on the range [mid: max]

There are some key points to read a correct binary search.

  1. End condition

    The condition that returns True or False

  2. Update min and max

    When and How to update min and max are important.

Here is 2 ways to implement binary search.

def binary_search(nums: List[int], num: int) -> bool:
    my_nums = nums.copy()

    while len(my_nums) != 0:
        mid_idx = len(my_nums) // 2
        if num == my_nums[mid_idx]:
            return True
        if num < my_nums[mid_idx]:
            my_nums = my_nums[0:mid_idx]
        if num > my_nums[mid_idx]:
            my_nums = my_nums[mid_idx+1:len(my_nums)]
    return False

def binary_search_recursive(nums: List[int], num: int) -> bool:
    if len(nums) == 0:
        return False

    mid_idx = len(nums) // 2
    if num == nums[mid_idx]:
        return True
    if num < nums[mid_idx]:
        return binary_search_recursive(nums[0:mid_idx], num)
    if num > nums[mid_idx]:
        return binary_search_recursive(nums[mid_idx+1:len(nums)], num)

Time complexity

We use the times of comparaison to approach the time complexity.

We suppose the length of the ordered array is n. After we compare k times, the array can't be split into 2. That also means the length of the array is 1. We can have an equation.

n / 2^k = 1

So, k = logn

The time complexity is O(logn).

O(logn) is very good to deal with large data set.


  1. The data must be ordered.

  2. We must use array to stock data.

    Binary search needs the index. Linked list isn't suitable.

  3. The size of data shouldn't be too big, neither too small.

    • too small: We just need traverse the data.
    • too big: We can put all the data int the memory.

Typical use cases

Previously, we use biinary search to find the equal item. Here, we add some extra condition.

Find First Equal

This extra condition can be transformed as followed.

if given_num == nums[mid_idx]:
    # extra condition
    if mid_idx == 0 or nums[mid_idx-1] != given_num:
        return True
        # not the first one, keep searching
        high_idx = mid_idx - 1

Full implement

def first_equal(nums: List[int], given: int) -> int:
    low = 0
    high = len(nums)

    while low <= high:
        mid = low + (high - low) // 2
        if given > nums[mid]:
            low = mid + 1
        elif given < nums[mid]:
            high = mid - 1
            if mid == 0 or nums[mid-1] != given:
                return mid
                high = mid - 1

    return -1

First Equal or Greater

This extra condition can be transformed as followed.

if nums[mid_idx-1] >= given_num:
    # extra condition
    if mid_idx == 0 or nums[mid_idx-1] < given_num:
        return mid_idx
        high_idx = mid_idx - 1

Full implement

def first_greater_equal(nums: List[int], given: int) -> int:
    low = 0
    high = len(nums)

    while low <= high:
        mid = low + (high - low) // 2
        if given <= nums[mid]:
            if mid == 0 or nums[mid-1] < given:
                return mid
                high = mid - 1
            low = mid + 1
    return -1