

  1. Array is a linear list.

  2. Array uses a group of contiguous memory space to store a group of data of the same type.

Linear List vs Non Linear List

Items in lineat list have only two orientation: forward and backward

Exemple: Array, Linked List, Stack, Queue

Those in Non Linear List have multiply orientation.

Exemple: Tree, Graph

Advantage of Array

Because of using contiguous memory space, visiting items from array is very easy. We can use index.

Index (offset, to be more accurately) can get the address of array item in the memory.

array[i]_address = base_address + i * data_type_size

This formula also explains why we set the index of the first item in the array as 0.

Disadvantage of Array

Because of using contiguous memory space, inserting and removing items are difficult. It needs modify almost entire array to keep contiguous.